Does my child to wear a face mask or covering?

As of May 1, 2020, it is law in Illinois for all people over 2 years old to cover their noses and mouths when unable to maintain social distance.  This law is to prevent the unknowing spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID 19, via respiratory droplet particles while breathing or talking. This means, a face covering should be worn when entering ANY place of business, including grocery stores, banks, hardware stores and pharmacies; picking up curbside orders of food, craft supplies, garden supplies etc; traveling via public transportation or rideshare services, ie planes, trains, buses, taxis, Ubers and Lyfts, performing essential duties (i.e. work); and visiting doctors’ offices, veterinarian clinics, emergency rooms, labs and urgent cares.   It is also recommended, that a face covering be used when using crowded public sidewalks or parks.  A face covering, can limit the spread of the virus, but social distancing and staying at home is still the best practice!  Also, if you or your child has a fever or a cough please leave your home to seek medical attention and call first.  The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends against forcing young children to wear masks or face coverings and reminds us that in children and infants under 2 years of age, face coverings can cause suffocation and are not recommended.

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